Current vacancies can be viewed on our availability page, while all of our housing (available or not), is on our portfolio page. We publish our available student housing list by the last week in September. To schedule a viewing and/or apply to rent an available unit, follow the instructions on our apply to rent page.
If you have rented before, provide references and rental history. Students are exempt from this requirement unless applying to rent 1615 or 1615 ½ Main Street. For non-student applicants, we charge a $20 application fee and run a credit / background check, also verifying income qualifications.
Yes, but all tenants and Benson Management must agree and approve any changes made to an existing lease. If you want to sublease (another person shares your lease responsibilities and occupies your unit for a designated period of time):
Note: we do not review sublease applications from May 10 through June 15. Typical turnaround time for processing sublease requests is 5-10 business days.
Local ordinances restrict the number of unrelated people that can enter into a lease together. Some of our properties, however, can accommodate additional tenants - call 6087823776 or email to inquire.
No. Leases are binding on all signatories. You may, however, utilize the sublease process.
If you renew your lease for a subsequent term, you do not need to leave your rental unit during any interim period.
A security deposit is an upfront deposit that most landlords require tenants to pay before they move into a rental unit. Landlords hold security deposits to help guarantee that tenants will pay their bills and keep their rental unit in good condition. When a tenant moves out, a landlord may deduct from the security deposit unpaid rent, bills, costs of repairs, or other fees.
Sec. 704.28, Wis. Stats. governs withholding from, and return of, security deposits. In most cases, we return security deposits and, if applicable, an itemized list of any deductions from the security deposit, within 21 days of the lease end date. Under Sec. 704.10, Wis. Stats. and our lease terms those items are delivered electronically.
Tenants receive a security deposit disposition letter either electronically or by mail from us postmarked within 21 days of the lease end date. The letter summarizes any deductions from the security deposit. If tenants disagree with the outcome, email providing details of which charges you disagree with and why. We will respond via email within 5-10 business days. Also note the FAQ section below about our communication protocol.
Our rental properties have different amenities. Refer to rental unit postings and property page details.
Under our leases, tenants are jointly and severally liable, which means rent is charged per unit, not per person. All tenants are equally responsible for the entire amount, but may work out how to divide it at their discretion.
Rent is always due on or before the 1st of the month. We recommend setting up automatic payments through your tenant portal so you never miss a payment.
Cash or check payments incur a $20 processing fee, so we recommend paying rent electronically using your tenant portal. Card payments incur a fee from the processing company, so we recommend choosing e-check / ACH to avoid the fee.
Rent is always due on or before the 1st of the month. If not paid timely, a $50 late fee will be posted to your account. If a payment is returned for insufficient funds, a $50 fee applies in addition to any fees your bank charges you.
Parking rules in our lots are enforced from the first day AFTER Fall UWL classes begin through May 20 at noon of the following year. Parking information, including how to purchase assigned or temporary parking, is emailed August 1 at approximately 10 a.m. to our tenants, and on August 27 to any non-tenants if space remains. We assign parking in the order we receive time stamped Google form information: vehicle make, model, year, color, license plate number and state, driver's license number and state, auto insurance carrier and policy number. Within 3-7 business days of receiving that information we assign parking based on the time stamped order applications are received, billing via your online tenant portal and notifying you of your assigned spot. We expect prompt payment to secure your desired spot.
For non-Benson tenants that may want to purchase an assigned parking spot (if spaces still exist) please fill out this Google form to be added to our waitlist. We will email tenants on the waitlist on August 27 assuming space exists with more detailed information and how to make payment to us.
For rental locations with bike racks, Tenants must submit an application for a free bike permit to use the rack. Tenants at our 312 West Ave N building have access to an indoor secure bike storage area; tenants at nearby buildings may also be eligible if space exists - call to inquire.
Parking rules in our lots are enforced from the first day AFTER Fall UWL classes begin through May 20 at noon of the following year. During that enforcement period, tenants are advised to call our office at 6087823776 with a description of the vehicle and license plate number to determine if another tenant inadvertently parked in the incorrect spot first before calling Don's Towing at 6087845872 to have the offending vehicle towed.
Please submit maintenance requests for non-emergency matter using your tenant portal. This method allows you to take pictures and provide greater detail than an email or phone call, and make scheduling a response to resolve issues more efficient.
Emergency Maintenance. This is considered anything that may cause serious damage to the property or anything detrimental to your health or safety. During normal business hours, call our office at 6087823776. For after-hours requests, call 6087920332.
Most bathrooms have GFCI outlets which cut power when a fault is detected as a safety mechanism. Locate and push the reset button between the receptacles and power should be restored. If there isn’t a reset button on the outlet that doesn’t work, look on nearby outlets. If you're unable to restore power, submit a maintenance request online.
Turn the power off to your disposal (switch usually located under your sink). Make sure there is nothing obstructing your disposal. If it is still not working properly please contact maintenance. A maintenance charge will apply if an obstruction is found, such as glass, a bottle cap, etc.
Your rental unit is either serviced by the City of La Crosse or Harter's. Please refer to their pages for additional information, including pickup schedules. In addition, the City of La Crosse maintains a separate page here containing a recycling mailer & pickup schedule information.
You may not dispose of the following items in or near dumpsters - chemicals, paint, oil, grease, fluorescent light bulbs, appliances, electronics, batteries, tires, couches, mattresses, furniture, carpet, desks, construction material, vehicle parts, and other large items. Contact Harter's to arrange for disposal or recycling of these items.
Our office is located at 320 West Ave N, La Crosse, WI 54601 in the north end of the large blue building. Our office hours are listed at the bottom of this page and updated regularly in our Google Business listing.
We welcome general questions or comments from anyone. However, communication related to specific tenants, leases, or requests for security deposit disposition reconsideration is conducted strictly with the adult tenant(s) that signed the lease. This maintains confidentiality, privacy and security, and is an industry standard.
Benson Management only provides security footage to law enforcement in response to an official police report, not directly to tenants. We are happy to assist the police with investigations. In Wisconsin, it is illegal to record phone or oral conversations without at least one individual's consent or if the intent is tortious or criminal. We apply that same standard to our security video recordings on private property. Offenders may face felony and civil liability charges.